I loved my zoom call with these amazing young adults this morning. They always encourage me and make me laugh. Family is so unbelievably precious and I am so glad that these ones belong to me. Being able to discuss frustrations, grief, decisions, prayer requests, the future and all the things of life with my kids brings so much joy. As usual, there was plenty of laughter about my tech skills such as my preference to take a pic with my phone rather than a screen shot!

I loved that these two were able to be together in LA for a beloved friend's birthday recently. The next-best thing to seeing my kids in person is when they get to spend time together. I love my girls and the love that they have for each other. My life has been so much richer because of their giggles and insights.
Earlier this week, I was able to spend several hours with Shaina and I am just so grateful that God has given me family here in Bangkok, too. Living down the road from Shaina and Will is always something near the top of my blessing list!

These two precious ones bring so much joy to all of us. Seeing Isaac and Hattie's love for their kids and the way that they thoughtfully care for them always makes my heart happy. And, I love watching Ezra and Luna's interactions! Siblings are so special!
I love that Ezra is also excited that Grandie will be seeing him in person next month. I cannot wait to see these two in person and to see how much they have grown since the summer! Watching their personalities develop is so special. I'm so grateful God created little ones and that they expand our hearts and enrich our lives.
My life certainly has a lot of grief and loss, but how grateful I am that God also provides blessings and joy. My heart has experienced the fullness of it all this week...the sweet and the sad, the laughter and the tears, the joy and heartache. How thankful I am this Thanksgiving for the way that God provides comfort and love even in the hard and uncomfortable. And, I love the way that He often uses my children to bring light, love and support into my life. I'm so grateful for God's faithfulness in my life.