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Friday Favorites (Episode 10)

Sheila Harkins

Well, it has been awhile since a Friday Favorites Episode! My life has looked a little different the last few months since I am wrapping up my time after working at ICS for fourteen years. I was surprised and overwhelmed when I felt God begin to nudge me in this direction and it has required a lot of time and energy as I prepare to begin Restoration Ministries in July. Change doesn't come easy to me, but I am excited to see what all God has in store for me! And, I hope I can get back to sharing some of my favorite things!

  1. Creating Time & Space for Worship.

One of the my favorite things about my job is creating time and space for students to connect with their Creator. Working on the Good Friday service with students and then seeing them interact with God has been a highlight for me for many years.

It was a little bittersweet this year as I finish up at ICS and prepare to move into a new ministry. I hope I will still have many more opportunities to create times and spaces for fellow sojourners to encounter the Divine.

2. Storms at the Beach.

I always love watching clouds rolling in above the water and how quickly all the colors change. It's been good to be on spring break and to get a change from the usual sights, sounds and experiences that are part of my daily routine. I was thankful to have some time to rest, to think, to pray, to swim and to just be still.

3. Fun Belated Birthday Celebrations!

One of my birthday outings got postponed because of sickness, and we finally got to celebrate (even if it is a couple of months late!) It was still fun to go out with my good friend Aimee and to try out the new Red Lobster restaurant in Bangkok!

I am thankful that God has given me life. Even though my life doesn't look the way I thought it would, I know that, for right now, God has seen it fit for me to be here on belong to Him while living here and to share about His love. And, that is worth celebrating!

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:8



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