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Friday Favorites (Episode 8)

Sheila Harkins

I love the moon pretty much whenever I see it and whatever phase it is in! This past week I had some beautiful views of the moon over the city and I took this picture from my balcony.

One early morning this week as I rode my bike to school, I had the most beautiful view of the full moon when I turned a corner. I didn't get a picture of it, but it took my breath away! I love the way the sky declares the glory of God!

I always enjoy the flowers at the park where I walk on the weekend. This weekly walk with a friend has been a time of sharing our hearts and praying for our loved ones for many years.

It's pretty wonderful when a weekly rhythm includes exercise, friendship, prayer and a beautiful location!

At the beginning of this month, I was able to have an Art Show at a Bakery nearby. It was vulnerable and stretching to share my artwork and my book (which both represent my heart and my story) with the community around me. I was so encouraged by those who came out to support me...

Kind words were spoken,

Books, paintings, stickers and cards were purchased,

Good conversations were had,

and a friend even brought me flowers!

It is my prayer that I will be obedient to follow where I feel God is leading, even when it is awkward or hard or uncomfortable.

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